How did this happen? There were times I had hoped I could stay home with our children - if we had any. That was just some what if... And now it is my reality.
When I was pregnant I read lots of birth books, some parenting books but no stay-at-home Mommie books. I am completely unprepared for this job! Some days are great, and others I think what was I thinking!?
I often wonder if I'm enough for her, do I provide enough interaction, do I talk enough, did she eat enough, do I show her how much she is loved enough? My gut says, "yes, don't worry about it, just enjoy being with her." It's my brain that says we have to play all the 'right' games, read, sign, sing, dance, and Learn everything!
Am I Really a Stay-at-Home Mom?
Homemade Laundry Soap
OK, I know I'm on a homemade kick! It's my sister-in-law's fault, she said she was doing it, and once I made my first batch of homemade deodorant I was hooked!!
This is what I've been using:
1/3 Bar of Fels Naptha
1/2 Cup Borax
1/2 Cup Washing Soda
Use 1 Table Spoon in wash. This is a cost of $0.03 per load!!
I didn't use this on whites yet. I've read that whites can become dull, and that if I do use this with whites I will need to add an oxygen cleaner to the wash.
I have to say I liked the lack of smell. I am sensitive to perfume and so this mix had a nice clean smell that was not over powering.
Homemade Deodorant
I did it, I made my own deodorant. There are lots of recipes out there, but I had these ingredients so I used this one.
1/4 Cup Baking Soda
1/4 Cup Corn Starch
1/4 Cup Coconut Oil
2 Drops Essential Oil (I used Lavender)
Some notes from the field:
- It is easy to put way too much on! So the first day I was extra greasy and had grease spots on my tank.
- I love the smell and the feel of this stuff. This is working way better than Tom's ever did and so much cheaper.
- After mixing I put it in an old deodorant tube and the remainder in a small container.
- When I apply it some does melt on the tube.
- I am using only one swipe and let it dry before putting my shirt on.
- It's a little flaky but the cost and smell (or lack there of) it totally worth it!
Homemade Sugar Scrub!!
I am in love with this homemade sugar scrub! Who knew it could be so simple and AMAZING!!
After I used this one time my dry skin was so soft and silky. No need for lotion after the bath!
1 Cup Sugar
1/4 Cup Baking Soda
1/8 Cup Coconut Oil (or enough to coat sugar)
2 drops of Essential Oil (I used Lavender)
That's it just mix it up in a jar and you have very cheap, homemade, chemical free Sugar Scrub!
I have never had much empathy. Being a selfish creature and relying more on logic than feelings, I felt I never had much use for it....that is until I read some parenting books.
Wow, now I am beginning to understand the word and the need for more empathy. Empathy helps us feel accepted, understood and loved. One suprising thing about empathy, is you don't have to approve of the behavior or emotion to understand. Empathy shows you understand, but then taking it a step further you can explian what you didn't like about the behavior. I have always skipped over the empathy part and just gone into what I didn't like. Opps! People need to be understood and once they are they become more willing to listen.
I've always been picky about my friends, there are lots of people I don't like to be around, and very few that I feel comfortable around. When I think about my relationships, empathy is a big part of why I like who I like. I just never put that word on it before. I appriceate frankness in my relationships, and often agree to disagree. What keeps us friends is empathy. We hear each other and understand where the other comes from.
As a parent I am putting empathy into practice. When my DD throws a tantrum, I put myself her in shoes and let her know that I understand why she is upset. And then I explain why that behavior is not acceptable. Putting a lable on what she is feeling drops the intensity of the emotion and it soon passes.
Top 6 Reasons I love to Nurse!
I'm a little late in posting for breastfeeding week, but better late than never!
1) I get to hold my on the move little one
2) Getting her to go to sleep involves zero tears
3) no worries about nutrition, if she doesn't eat 'real' food I know
she'll get all she needs from nursing
4) we stay healthy! No sickness
5) instant comfort, just put her on the boob and she's happy
6) Weight loss! Yes, you can loose baby weight without stressing about calories, or exercise!!!
So we moved out of the city in May and I am just now getting things back to "normal" around the house. Hoping to have some time to blog this month!
Some new exciting posts soon to come!
- I've made my own deodorant, and can't wait to try my hand at lotion!
- My sweet baby girl is quickly becoming grown up. She is 15 months, walking, and talking! Striving to make wonderful memories with her everyday.
- Starting to wonder if Modern is really a good label for where I'm at right now. I feel like we need to get back to basics and try to be un-Modern.
- Couponing is time consuming and after a move, what to do with all the inserts??
Whatever You Do....Do NOT Pay Full Price for Baby Gear!
We fell into the Babies R Us trap, and bought the travel system. We love the car seat, but the stroller is just too big (it's really nice, but not good for being in the car).
Top five best places to get good deals on baby gear!
#1 Craigslist:
Do a little research and look for the items you want.
#2 Garage Sales:
This is hit or miss but a great place to find clothes, toys, books and furniture.
#3 Friends:
Most of our friends where happy to share with us all the baby stuff that you only use for a few months.
#4 Consignment:
These sales are held frequently, and are more expensive than garage sales, but you will find great deals on large items.
#5 Grandparents:
If you are eying a dress or some new clothing, tell the grandparents and they are usually more than happy to help out!
Attachment Parenting - Yep Attached
Attachment-Independent, commitment-freedom. Why are these concepts polar opposites? I find them to harmonious and not conflicting. This word seems to scare Americans. People are also scared of commitment. Well, raising a child is a commitment and like it or not you will be attached.
People are obsessed about being independent. Really? Are we ever truly independent? Think about it, we are never alone or completely self-sufficient. We are raised in a family, then when we go off on "our own", usually to college. We have roommates, study groups, and join groups.
Even if you live alone, you still have to rely on others to help run your household; like electric, phone, water, sewer and gas companies. And everyday when you go to work, guess who's there? More people. People are not independent, no matter how much we value the idea of independence.
So why do so many parents try to make their children independent? This really bothers me. People need other people. I love having "me" time, but right now while I'm raising my daughter I'm okay knowing I'll get lots of "me" time later. If she needs me to hold her and I have to pee. Well then I'm going to hold her while I pee. I'm not going to set her down somewhere and let her cry. I think doing that would reinforce the idea that I don't care about her needs and not reinforce the idea of independence. She will become independent in her own time, but for now I love getting to snuggle with her and wake up to her smiling face.
See Other Pages:
Top 6 Reasons I Love to Nurse
12 Things to Know about Breastfeeding
Love to have a plan? Me too, I like knowing what is coming. One really fun thing about planning is you get to imagine what your life could be like, and then put in steps to make it happen! Plans never work out exactly like we plan, but without one I feel lost. It's comforting to know what to look forward to, but motherhood and being a wife have shown me that day to day living is where the real joy is to be found.
Not sure why but some days are like summer breezes, they are warm, gentle, and soothing. Then other days come at you like a storm quick decisions are needed and every word seems to be thrown at you. I don't handle storms well. It's the unexpected that I struggle to handle with grace, and it's so hard to have a plan for the unexpected.
So I think I need a new PLAN:
Yep, that's what I need. A plan to be in the moment, when life happens. To drink in each moment and start living in the now and not hoping for a someday to happen. And when the storms come up, I will just enjoy them and look for the silver lining that comes with them.
Sweet Talk
I have a vision for my family: To live together harmoniously.
This is not always easy, but I strive to create a safe, happy ,comfortable and loving environment. After all these are the people I care most about in the world! Often my vision ends up not being the reality and I find it is too easy to let my mouth run away with itself when I'm at home. The inner beast gets unleashed and sometimes I want to turn around and see who sad that terrible thing, only to realize it was me! Ah!
Misunderstands, happen too often, I think my husband knows what I'm talking about and then he'll ask a question and I will jab at him with my words. As soon as they leave my mouth I wish I could stuff them back in. There is never any anger or hatred behind them, but my tone would lead any hearer to think otherwise. This is NOT how I want to speak to my wonderful husband and this is NOT the example I want to show my daughter. I want to show her how to talk sweetly.
I Thought I Knew How to Talk....
Just finished How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk, by Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish. This book was mind opening...I hope I can put it into practice! All the parenting books I've been reading lately come back to one main theme, empathy. Responding to your children with empathy, and help them to understand their feelings; giving a name to an emotion allows the freedom to then move on from that emotion. Giving an empathic response defuses a lot of the arguments, and allows children to share their feelings and thoughts.
One of the chapters dealt with discipline, and really suggested finding other ways than disciplining. At first I thought they were crazy, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Don't set yourself, and your child up for discipline. Take ACTION, this can be hard, but by letting your child become part of a solution lets them not be a problem.
Like all things, the approach changes with age, and each kid, some respond better to some techniques than others. Right now my daughter is 1 year old and distraction is the best way to avoid a melt down. With my 4 year old nephew, a choice works really well. This book just had so many good ideas on how to handling a large variety of circumstances.
Such a good read, highly recommended!
Here are the Quick Reminders from the book:
A) Helping Children Deal with Their Feelings; Children need to have their feelings accepted and respected.
1) Listen quietly and attentively
2) Acknowledge feelings with a word
3) Give feelings a name
B) Engage a Child's Cooperation
1) Describe what you see, or the problem
2) Give information
3) Say it with a word
4) Describe what you feel
5) Write a note
C) Instead of Punishment
1) Express your feelings strongly, without attacking character
2) State your expectations
3) Show how to make amends
4) Give a choice
5) Take action
6) Problem solve
D )Encourage Autonomy
1) Let children make choices
2) Show respect for a child's struggle
3) Don't ask too many questions
4) Don't rush to answer questions
5) Encourage children to use outside resources
6) Don't take away hope
E) Praise and Self-Esteem
1) Describe what you see
2) Describe what you feel
3) Sum up praiseworthy behavior with a word
F) Free Children from Playing Roles
1) Look for ways to show the child a new view of themselves
2) Put children in situations where they can see themselves differently
3) Let children overhear you praise them
4) Model behavior you'd like to see
5) Be a storehouse for your child's special moments
6) When they act according to an old label, state your feelings and express your expectations
Happy Birthday, 1 years old!
My baby girl is one. What a year. I've gotten to stay home with her and watch her amazing development; her little personality take shape and watch her start to navigate her way in the world. She mobile and independent, but still attached and helpless all at the same time. I have loved each stage as it comes and am looking forward to the next and all the joy and challenges it will bring. Happy First Birthday beautiful daughter.
12 Things to Know about Breastfeeding
Worst Bathroom Trip EVER!
The day started like any other. Aislie woke up happy, she danced while I drew a bath; ate breakfast, and then we played. I thought about getting out of the house and running errands, but first I needed to use the bathroom.
I held her hands as we walked towards the bathroom, then had her sit down and play while I did my business. She wasn't content so I grabbed a coat-hanger and dub her queen of hanging clothes. I put the hanger down as I grabbed the toilet paper. That's when it happened.
At my feet, my little girl hooked her face with the hanger I had given her. At first I thought she had gotten her mouth so I scooped her up and went to give her some Arnica and nurse (that fixes almost anything). When I gave her the Arnica that's when I noticed the blood; it was not coming from her mouth, but her eye! Oh Merciful God, please help us! She was still crying and her eyes weren't open, I called Todd (my husband and her Daddy). He told me to call 911. I hung up, knowing he was on his way, and called 911. Daddy got home before the ambulance. At this point she had stopped crying and the bleeding had stopped. Her eye was open and looked fine. Thank God, she probably just caught her eyelid!
The EMTs checked her out, and we made an appointment with the pediatrician. Went to the pediatrician's and by now she has almost no signs except some dried blood around her eye, which she would not let me clean. Her eye is FINE! Praise God, things could have been so much worse....
She falls asleep on the ride home we nurse some and I make sure she is sleeping good. I hug my husband before he goes back to work and then I sit in the quiet house. I am so thankful that it is not as bad as it could have been.
What could have happened makes me feel sick. She was at my feet, not in another room but right in front of me. I gave her that darn coat-hanger to play with. Ah! I feel so helpless and out of control. My mind races, with what if and thank God. Guilt, that's not strong enough a word to describe how I feel. Am I the worst parent ever? How could God let me steward of this precious little life even when I might fail? Was this just a reminder that I am not the one in control? Things will happen and even when things look the bleakest, God will be there with me, guiding me on His path.
This bathroom trip has helped put things into perspective. Be grateful for every day, even the "bad" ones (which aren't really so bad). Things can change in a moment. Something as mundane as a coat hanger could change your life, so be grateful for every healthy day you get!
Brain Rules for Baby
Just finished reading, "Brain Rules for Baby: How to Raise a Smart and Happy Child from Zero to Five" by John Medina. I really enjoyed it and learned a few things that I'd like to put into practice.
Empathy: This is something that does not come easily to me, and yet it is the main theme of this book. Parents need to have empathy and teach their children how to be empathic. It is the foundation for building lasting friendships (which is the main predictor of happiness). To develop an empathy reflex, 1. Label the emotion, 2. Guess where it came from. This helps you understand the action/emotion of others.
Label Emotions: Explain emotions to children and help them understand what they are feeling. This will help them act better when they have intense emotions. Verbalizing emotions has a calming affect.
Be Present: Parents must spend face time with their babies to encourage brain development. They need to be responsive and engaged in their lives. Parenting is very hands-on and messy! It's okay to make mistakes, but love your kids and be active in their lives. If you pay attention to their emotional needs and development, you will be less surprised as they change. This also gets parents into a predictive mode, instead of reactive.
Praise Effort: To foster a learning brain, praise the effort and not only the result. This will encourage kids to try harder.
Read Together: This seems to be the way to get a "smart" baby. Talk somewhere near 2100 words per hour, and read together. Babies learn from human interaction more than they do from a TV or CD player. Along this line of thinking, it's better to have your child take music lessons than to play them music. (He recommends 10 yrs of lessons!)
Really, if I want a happy and successful child, I need to help her become a good friend.
Ode to a Grand Prix
April 2003, I bought my first new car. It was amazing. Black, V6, Sun Roof, Grey Leather hugged corners and flew around town. I was in love. My life seemed to be on a fast track. I was engaged to the most wonderful man in the world, I was working on a new product launch for GM, it was springtime and I was on top of the world.
Fast forward to the present. I am now married to the most wonderful man in the world, we have the most amazing daughter and it is once again springtime and this year is filled with possibilities. But...this week we traded in the Grand Prix for a .... Buick....Minivan.
I knew that one day we would sell the Grand Prix and I would get a more "family-friendly" vehicle, but the shroud of Mommie-hood covered me up this week. I feel like very little of who I was in the spring of 2003 is still here. My life is not on a fast track, I am staying home, clipping coupons, reading parenting books, and wondering what to cook for supper. I am now in the slow lane.
This is the life I chose, the life I want to have and I am so grateful to have, but that still didn't keep me from crying on the way to buy the minivan. I love being in the slow lane right now, watching my daughter grow up and know that being a stay at home mom is the best job for me. I just need some time adjust to this new life and selling the Grand Prix hit me hard. I will never be that wide-eyed, optimistic girl I was...I will forever now be a Mommie.
Good bye Grand Prix I will miss you and all the youth you represent.
Coherent Thought
Sleepless Night
No sleep last night, and it wasn't Aislie's fault! She slept like an angel while I laid in bed wide awake. I wasn't thinking about anything in particular. Songs floated around in my brain, along with medical billing frustrations, and excitment about an offer we put on a house, but I don't think it was any of those things keeping me awake.
Earlier in the day I was thinking about some of the tragedies in my life and I was feeling completely grateful. God has been there with me every step of the way and by His grace I have come out the other side closer to Him. What a blessing to know God, and His Peace. He is always there ready to listen; I struggle to remember.
God speaks during quite times, and often in the wee-small hours of the morning. Are you listening to Him?
Rise and Shine!
Today is a day for living. Make the most of it for no one knows what tomorrow holds. There is always laundry to be done, toys to pick up and bills to be paid. Let the stress of today wash off, and live in the now. Life, love, joy, it's happening right now. Soak it up while it is here!
Coupons Are Not Easy - but SO Worth It!
I get so excited when I look at what I could be saving with coupons. When I get to the store it is always a let down. Coupons are a hassle, plain and simple. The best deals are when there is a sale, and you have a manufacture and store coupons. So to get the best deal you have to know the sale price, and how your coupons work. I'm still learning the ins and outs.
Friday I went to Target to stock my freezer full of $0.30 frozen veggies. The store had...NONE! Same thing happened with Q-Tips, mouthwash, pizza and cleanser. Now I've learned my lesson (the hard way) don't wait until the end of the week to take advantage of the store sale. :(
Saturday, went to a different Target and it had all the frozen food and veggies I could desire! I restocked my freezer, I bought $70 worth of food and got $40 in gift cards. I feel wonderful!! So good in fact my husband says he just can't keep up with me. Crazy how getting a good deal can make me so happy. Here's how I did it:
Store had a special, when you buy 7 frozen items you get a $5 store gift card.
10 Smart Choice @ $1.80, had $5 Target Coupon, $4 Manufacturer's coupon, Total $9.00
18 frozen veggies @ $0.97 Total $17.46
- got $20 of Target gift cards for the 2 lines above
Moisturizer @ $6.64, had $2 Target Coupon, $2 Manufacturer's coupon, Total $2.64
Bleach @ $1.37, had $1 Target Coupon, Total $0.37
Mouthwash @ $2.89, had $1 Target Coupon, Total $1.89
Q-Tips @ $2.29, had $0.50 Target Coupon, Total $1.79
Liners @ $1.97, had $0.50 Target Coupon, Total $1.22
PAID: $34.37 and got $20 of gift cards
then had cashier ring this up separately (so I could use the in store coupons - even if you have two coupons they must be used on separate transactions.)
10 Smart Choice @ $1.80, had $5 Target Coupon, $4 Manufacturer's coupon, Total $9.00
13 frozen veggies @ $0.97 Total $12.61
5 Pizzas @ $1.00, had $2.50 Manufactures coupons, Total $2.50
- got $20 of Target gift cards for the 3 lines above
Moisturizer @ $6.64, had $2 Target Coupon, $2 Manufacture's coupon, Total $2.64
Bleach @ $1.37, had $1 Target Coupon, Total $0.37
Mouthwash @ $2.89, had $1 Target Coupon, Total $1.89
Q-Tips @ $2.29, had $0.50 Target Coupon, Total $1.79
Liners @ $1.97, had $0.50 Target Coupon, Total $1.22
used the $20 gift cards
PAID: $12.02 and got $20 of gift cards
So Total I paid $46.39 and have $20 of gift cards!!! :)
I had a whole shopping cart full! I felt like I was stealing, we had gotten such a good deal! As we were driving away I realized that couping is like garage sale-ing. You might have to hit several stops before you get everything and it can be hit or miss. But if you like garage sale shopping, then clipping coupons is for you!! Who wouldn't want to get Free deodorant, mascara, eye liner, lotion, and more?! So even though clipping is challenging, I think it's worth the hassle and someday...I will be a pro and not make so many mistakes. A special thanks goes out to Clippin with Carie! Her blog is how I knew about the great deal to be had at Target.
Why I'm Blogging
I would like a place to hold my thoughts on being a mother. Plus I'd like to record what I'm going through and what I've learned. Being a mother has already thought me so much and I am blessed beyond measure and would like to encourage others.