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Attachment Parenting - Yep Attached

Attachment-Independent, commitment-freedom.  Why are these concepts polar opposites?  I find them to harmonious and not conflicting.    This word seems to scare Americans.  People are also scared of commitment.  Well, raising a child is a commitment and like it or not you will be attached. 

People are obsessed about being independent.  Really?  Are we ever truly independent?  Think about it, we are never alone or completely self-sufficient.  We are raised in a family, then when we go off on "our own", usually to college.  We have roommates, study groups, and join groups.

Even if you live alone, you still have to rely on others to help run your household; like electric, phone, water, sewer and gas companies.  And everyday when you go to work, guess who's there?  More people.  People are not independent, no matter how much we value the idea of independence.

So why do so many parents try to make their children independent?  This really bothers me. People need other people.  I love having "me" time, but right now while I'm raising my daughter I'm okay knowing I'll get lots of "me" time later.  If she needs me to hold her and I have to pee.  Well then I'm going to hold her while I pee. I'm not going to set her down somewhere and let her cry.  I think doing that would reinforce the idea that I don't care about her needs and not reinforce the idea of independence.  She will become independent in her own time, but for now I love getting to snuggle with her and wake up to her smiling face.

See Other Pages:
Top 6 Reasons I Love to Nurse
12 Things to Know about Breastfeeding

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