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Homemade Laundry Soap

OK, I know I'm on a homemade kick!  It's my sister-in-law's fault, she said she was doing it, and once I made my first batch of homemade deodorant I was hooked!!

This is what I've been using:

1/3 Bar of Fels Naptha
1/2 Cup Borax
1/2 Cup Washing Soda

Use 1 Table Spoon in wash.  This is a cost of $0.03 per load!!

I didn't use this on whites yet.  I've read that whites can become dull, and that if I do use this with whites I will need to add an oxygen cleaner to the wash.

I have to say I liked the lack of smell.  I am sensitive to perfume and so this mix had a nice clean smell that was not over powering.

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Homemade Deodorant

I did it, I made my own deodorant.  There are lots of recipes out there, but I had these ingredients so I used this one.

1/4 Cup Baking Soda
1/4 Cup Corn Starch
1/4 Cup Coconut Oil
2 Drops Essential Oil (I used Lavender)

Some notes from the field:

  • It is easy to put way too much on!  So the first day I was extra greasy and had grease spots on my tank.
  • I love the smell and the feel of this stuff.  This is working way better than Tom's ever did and so much cheaper.
  • After mixing I put it in an old deodorant tube and the remainder in a small container. 
  • When I apply it some does melt on the tube.
  • I am using only one swipe and let it dry before putting my shirt on. 
  • It's a little flaky but the cost and smell (or lack there of) it totally worth it!

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Homemade Sugar Scrub!!

I am in love with this homemade sugar scrub!  Who knew it could be so simple and AMAZING!! 
After I used this one time my dry skin was so soft and silky.  No need for lotion after the bath! 

1 Cup Sugar
1/4 Cup Baking Soda
1/8 Cup Coconut Oil (or enough to coat sugar)
2 drops of Essential Oil (I used Lavender)

That's it just mix it up in a jar and you have very cheap, homemade, chemical free Sugar Scrub!

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I have never had much empathy.  Being a selfish creature and relying more on logic than feelings, I felt I never had much use for it....that is until I read some parenting books.

Wow, now I am beginning to understand the word and the need for more empathy.  Empathy helps us feel accepted, understood and loved.  One suprising thing about empathy, is you don't have to approve of the behavior or emotion to understand.  Empathy shows you understand,  but then taking it a step further you can explian what you didn't like about the behavior.  I have always skipped over the empathy part and just gone into what I didn't like.  Opps!  People need to be understood and once they are  they become more willing to listen.
I've always been picky about my friends, there are lots of people I don't like to be around, and very few that I feel comfortable around.  When I think about my relationships, empathy is a big part of why I like who I like.  I just never put that word on it before.  I appriceate frankness in my relationships, and often agree to disagree.  What keeps us friends is empathy.  We hear each other and understand where the other comes from. 

As a parent I am putting empathy into practice.  When my DD throws a tantrum, I put myself her in shoes and let her know that I understand why she is upset.  And then I explain why that behavior is not acceptable.  Putting a lable on what she is feeling drops the intensity of the emotion and it soon passes. 

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Top 6 Reasons I love to Nurse!

I'm a little late in posting for breastfeeding week, but better late than never!

1) I get to hold my on the move little one
2) Getting her to go to sleep involves zero tears
3) no worries about nutrition, if she doesn't eat 'real' food I know
she'll get all she needs from nursing
4) we stay healthy!  No sickness
5) instant comfort, just put her on the boob and she's happy
6) Weight loss!  Yes, you can loose baby weight without stressing about calories, or exercise!!!

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So we moved out of the city in May and I am just now getting things back to "normal" around the house.  Hoping to have some time to blog this month!

Some new exciting posts soon to come! 

  • I've made my own deodorant, and can't wait to try my hand at lotion!  
  • My sweet baby girl is quickly becoming grown up. She is 15 months, walking, and talking!  Striving to make wonderful memories with her everyday.  
  • Starting to wonder if Modern is really a good label for where I'm at right now.  I feel like we need to get back to basics and try to be un-Modern.  
  • Couponing is time consuming and after a move, what to do with all the inserts??

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